One of the most difficult things about maintaining a good business is establishing a good working relationship between you and your staff. Not everyone has amazing social skills and not everyone is a great leader. However, you are the boss, so it’s your duty to maintain these relationships and learn new skills in order to hold your team together.
Keeping employees happy is a difficult task due to a number of considerations you need to think about, but one of the most important things to think about is giving your employees space. Not just physical space either, but space to think, grow and work on their own without feeling like their every action is being monitored. To help you get off to a good start with your staff, here are a couple of points to consider that will help seal your relationship.
Give your employees physical space
A cramped employee works inefficiently because there’s simply not enough room to stretch their legs and get their work done. If you are cramming your employees into tight areas, then consider releasing them from those cubicle prisons and renovating parts of your office for more space. There are many reasons to do this. For starters, having room to work makes your employees feel in control of their space. If there is extra room to place documents, computer equipment and other necessities, then your employees can customise their space and make it feel like they have a permanent space in your workplace. This gives them a sense of purpose and belonging in your office, which motivates them to work and makes them feel like a valued member of staff.
Give your employees mental space
Micromanaging your employees is a business sin. You do not want to get so involved with an employee that you start looking over their shoulder all the time and monitoring their work before it’s even finished. You need to give your employees some space so that they can think, breathe and work in peace without having someone peering over their shoulders. Some team performance management software is vital if you want to manage your employees from a distance and set personal goals for them to meet. This way, you aren’t invading their space and you don’t need to pick their brains with hundreds of questions about their work.
Give your employees space to grow
No employee wants to be stuck at their job for the rest of their life. They want to grow, they want more money, and they want to have a higher position on their chosen career ladder. As a result, it’s your duty as their boss to pave the way for their greatness. Give them space to grow, raise the barrier so that they have more room to stretch their legs and climb higher on the ladder. Don’t prevent their growth by locking them in a tight cubicle and giving them mundane jobs for the rest of their life until they get fed up and leave your company. Loyal employees should be rewarded, and there’s no better reward than giving them a higher position in your company.