Would you like more traffic to your blog, plus more links and more comments? How about a chance to network online around the business mum community? It’s free and will take you just a couple of minutes.
Then join July’s Business Mums’ Blog Carnival!
Here’s how it works. Each month, a different business mum blogger hosts the blog carnival, listing the bestĀ posts that month. If you’re a mumpreneur with a blog, you can submit your own favourite post of that month to the carnival.
We’re looking for posts that add value in some way, so maybe they inspire, inform or make us smile. It’s OK to talk a little about what you do (we’re all in business after all) but a post that’s just a sales pitch isn’t going to be much of a read.
Your host for July is Sam Thewlis of www.mumazing.co.uk
You can read the Carnival here
The hosts for the rest of 2010 are:
August 2010 – littlesheep-learning.blogspot.com
Email posts to elaine (at) littlesheep-learning.co.uk by the end of Friday 20th August and the carnival will be posted on Monday 23rd August.
September 2010 – www.littlestuff.co.uk/blog
Email posts to info (at) littlestuff.co.uk by the end of Friday 24th September and the carnival will be posted on Monday 27th September.
October 2010 – www.sizzlingscience.co.uk
Email posts to info (at) sizzlingscience (dot) co.uk by end of Monday 11th October and the carnival will be posted on Monday 18th October
November 2010 – www.andreadaly.com
Email posts to dalyandie (at) gmail.com Friday 12th November and the carnival will beĀ posted on Monday 15th November
December 2010 – www.redtedart.com
Email posts to maggy (At) familywoodley (dot) com by the end of Friday 24th Dec and Carnival will be posted by Friday 31st Dec.