Introducing our first guest post from Claire Pitts of Mum’s Bis. Over to you, Claire!
There you were, sharing content on your Facebook Page and enjoying the fact that the majority of your Fans saw what you were saying and responded then all of a sudden…
Bam! Facebook changed the rules
One cold, December day last year we all got up to a different Facebook to the one we’d left behind the night before. Suddenly, no one was seeing our Posts, our content wasn’t being shared and our sales fell.
Facebook wants you to buy advertising
It’s no secret that Facebook wants you to pay for adverts. They’re a business and need to make money.
And, actually, Facebook adverts are a great way of getting customers, if done right. But that’s the subject for another article…
So is your Facebook Page dead?
No! It’s still very much alive. But it has changed. Continue reading “Is it Game Over for your Facebook Page?”