Pay off your debt. Do what you love.

I want to tell you about You vs Debt, an e-course which launched this week.

I already have a promotion on at the moment for my e-course Earn What You Deserve as a Mumpreneur (save over 30% if you buy before 30th Sept), so why I am I telling you about someone else’s course?

Well, you may have already picked up that I really care about helping people become more financially secure. And although I (modestly 🙂 ) think Earn What You Deserve as a Mumpreneur is a great course, it might not be quite right for where you are right now.

Earn What You Deserve as a Mumpreneur is quite specific – if you’re a self-employed mum who is under-earning and you’re prepared to take action to improve your bank balance, Earn What You Deserve will really help you.

You vs Debt is aimed at anyone who wants to take control of their financial life, so it’s broader in scope and a little longer than Earn What You Deserve as a Mumpreneur. It goes beyond the usual personal finance advice and looks at the emotions behind why we spend and earn the way we do. It has a forum too, so there is a ready-made community to keep you motivated.

You vs Debt was created by Adam Baker of Man vs Debt who decided to break free from the usual financial life of a young American (car debt, mortgage, university debt…). He and his wife “sold their crap” – his words! – paid off $18000 of debt and took their one-year-old daughter backpacking to Australia.

True, you might not want to sell everything and buy a ticket to Oz. (Actually you may already BE in Oz!) But we’re all striving for a more flexible way of working and the ultimate in flexible work has to be making a living from your laptop while travelling the world. I reckon there’s a lot us self-employed parents can learn from people like Adam Baker. Solid financial foundations are essential for people who can work from absolutely anywhere and You vs Debt is a way you can start building your own.

The doors for You vs Debt are open for just a few days, so go take a look as soon as you can. Click here for full info…

P.S. If you can’t decide whether to go for Earn What You Deserve as a Mumpreneur or You vs Debt, just buy You vs Debt from my affiliate link then forward your receipt to and I’ll give you a free copy of Earn What You Deserve as a Mumpreneur. That way you get both for the price of You vs Debt.

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