From dingy to darling: crafting the ideal office

office_interiorIt’s heart-breaking – you could be facing a group of whip-smart workers without a clue about interior design, and it’s probably driving high-rollers straight for the exit.

Indeed, without an effective workspace you’ll have less creative employees with lower morale, unimpressed clients and lacklustre business appeal.

With that in mind, we’ve come up with a few top-notch ideas to turn your workplace from dump to divine.

Pick up a Picasso

Picasso, Monet, Renoir and Dali – what do they all have in common? None of them are sitting in your office.

You’re more likely to have a series of crumby aspirational posters, the type of art that could only inspire the truly banal. They feature pictures of mountains or blue skies, and use quotes like “Ascend the peak of motivation” or “Gear your mind for blue sky thinking”. Utterly stomach churning.

Why try to inspire your employees with such mediocrity when you could be using art that evokes strong feelings from the off?

That doesn’t mean you have to invest in a real-life Picasso for your workplace. All you really need is corporate art to evoke and inspire. Find a piece that enthuses you and you’ll see your inspiration trickle down to your employees. Who knows what creative spark it’ll conjure in your workers!

Open office = open minds

The open plan office has had its detractors over the years, but it’s consistently been championed as a strategy for open thinking, effective teamwork and a friendlier atmosphere.

Just think of the enclosed, claustrophobic cubicle you inhabit – wouldn’t it be better if you let in some light?

Hire a professional interior designer or, better yet, an expert in Feng Shui to bust you out of your cubicle and foster the art of positive thinking within your workplace. You’ll be chin-wagging with your colleagues in no time – and growing more successful.

That’s the power of plants

As you stare out of your office window, do you find yourself fantasising about running through floral meadows or lounging in rose-scented linens? You’re not alone – secretly almost everyone desires to remove the handcuffs from their desk and flee to the great outdoors.

But you don’t have to feel trapped without floral treats. Invest in a few plants to oxygenate your office, leaving it brighter and less stuffy.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to creating an ideal office. If you can think up any more, let us know in the comments below!


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