I started a business when pregnant: Anna Ridgway of WaterBaby

Here at Business Plus Baby I have a regular feature called ‘I started a business with a baby’. A few weeks ago I heard about Anna Ridgway who was inspired to start her business before her baby arrived! Anna will be just about at her due date as I publish this post, so good luck Anna and husband Ben, and we all hope you have a wonderful time with your new baby. Here’s the story of their business…

When Anna and her husband Benjamin decided that they wanted to start a family they knew that a regular supply of folic acid was really important for mums-to-be. Despite good intentions during the early stages of pregnancy, Anna found it difficult to take the tablets as recommended because of theĀ  discomfort of swallowing the folic acid tablets, eating before taking every tablet and fitting the tablet into her daily routine. Continue reading “I started a business when pregnant: Anna Ridgway of WaterBaby”

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