How can today’s technology help us make the most of our planet's resources?
That’s the challenge from Open Planet Ideas, in conjunction with Sony and WWF, who want you to help create a more sustainable environment for current and future generations.
This challenge caught my eye because as business mums we’re inventive, creative and we care about the environment. With so many of us glued to our iphones, blogs and Facebook, were pretty clued-up on technology too!
The challenge is to re-use and mix-up existing technologies and products to come up with bright new ideas to tackle environmental issues.
My idea is to weigh the recyclables left out for kerbside collection by each household then tell each household how much waste they have recycled, what could be made from it and how much energy will be saved compared to making these items from new raw materials.
Why? Well, one of the problems with engaging people in taking action to improve the environment is that often we feel we can't make much of a difference as just one individual. One way to tackle this is to give individuals feedback on the difference they have made personally.
I’ve already entered my recycling idea so why not join the challenge with me?
A panel will go through all the concepts and choose the best one for development. Then Sony will invest engineering and R&D resource to develop the idea into a proof of concept stage but will not commercialise or make any profit out of it. Instead the results will be released to the public domain and can be used by other parties for environmental good.
So you could make a real difference to the environment for future generations. And if you're an inventor mumpreneur you might even be able to use it in your PR too!
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