How to stop being boring

Does this sound familiar? You were tired of being an employee. You wanted the freedom to do things a different way, your way.

So why is your business so…. beige?

Here are the signs…your business is professional yet forgettable. It looks like the average of all your competitors rather than standing out on its own. Your articles are useful but don’t sparkle. Your stuff is lacking in personality.

And that’s a shame, because you do have personality. Bags of it. You just need to let it show. Here’s how: Continue reading “How to stop being boring”

Why comparing yourself to other mums with businesses is such a bad idea

I’ve finally done it – I’ve made a proper vlog!

What I mean is that I’ve made a video blog post by putting my face in front of a camera at last. I’ve done slide-show style videos with me talking over the top, but I’ve never spoken directly to the camera before.

And if you’re thinking of doing the same, it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. So go on, give it a go. 🙂

In the video I’ll tell you why comparing yourself to other mums in business is really bad for your confidence.

(And I’ll let you into a little secret about what’s behind my camera, too.)

This is part of the presentation I did at The Big Business Get Ready last week, so I may do another video from the rest of the presentation soon.

Hope you like it!

If you’re into video, you might like to subscribe to my Business Plus Baby YouTube channel here – thanks!

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5 tips to boost your self-confidence

You might think that business owners are filled to the brim with confidence. The truth is that business owners, just like everyone else, sometimes experience self-doubt.

In fact, business owners may suffer even more that the average person because they take more risks and can be more isolated than most employees do.

The more confidence you have, in business and in life in general, the more action you’ll take. Let’s face it, action produces results and if you’re self employed, the only person responsible for the results is you! So here are five quick tips that could help you get over a dip in confidence: Continue reading “5 tips to boost your self-confidence”

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