I'm a huge fan of small business blogs, but I guess you knew that already! So here are a couple that I'm just starting to read regularly
NikkiPilkington.com – Internet Marketing
Nikki has been helping businesses connect with their customers using the internet since 1994, so she really does know her stuff. And that's refreshing when it seems like half the people on the internet are claiming to be internet marketing experts. (The other half seem to be social media or SEO experts!)
This blog has helpful (non-technical) advice that you can go out and use straight away – I've already learned about a couple of incredibly useful WordPress plugins plus some great ideas for what to write on my Facebook fan page.
Birds on The Blog – Business women blogging – but not just about business…
One day I was browsing around Nikki's blog when I stumbled across Birds On The Blog. And I'm very glad I did. Birds On The Blog is a written by a group of business women, but only some of the articles are about business. It has a wide range of articles – all useful, engaging or entertaining. I do enjoy a good mummy blog from time to time, but it's great to read articles from women who are blogging on other subjects.