How to make money from your blog: My Britmums Live presentation

Last weekend I took part in a panel discussion on how to make money from blogging at the the BritMums Live conference in London.

Luckily for us, Julie Hall of Women Unlimited recorded the whole session.

Quite a few people now have asked me for a recording of the session so….ta da!…here it is:

It’s thirty-five minutes long, but full of incredibly useful and honest info from people who are making money from blogs.

The panel members are (left to right in the video):

– Kirstie Pelling from The Family Adventure Project

– Helen Wills from Actually Mummy

– Me!

– Julie Hall from Women Unlimited

Julie has written a concise and very helpful summary of the video here if you don’t have time to watch the video.

I have a few more BritMums videos up my sleeve, so keep watching over the next few days for more.


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