How to be a work at home mom: Book review

Ta da! Here’s my latest audio book review…

You can read more about the book and buy it at The Mom Writes ebook store. (for $17 which is about £11)

I also mention Prerna’s new book, Summer sanity savers for the work at home mom, which is available to pre-order now for just $3 (about £2)

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Kids Coach Naomi Richards launches her first book: The Parent’s Tookit

Congratulations to Naomi Richards, The Kids Coach, who has recently launched her first book, The Parent’s Toolkit: Simple & Effective Ways to Help Your Child Be Their Best.

Naomi was one of my first Twitter friends that I met face-to-face (that was a few years ago now at Mums The Boss in Bedford). As I didn’t get out of the house much in those days – I had two kids under age 2! – people I met in the flesh were pretty special 🙂 So it’s been brilliant to see Naomi write her series of e-books and now become a published author.

We all know that we should be actively listening to our children, but sometimes it’s not as easy as it sounds. Then there are those situations which are a challenge for both parent and child, maybe when life isn’t fair (bullying, parental separation) or a big change is on the horizon (starting secondary school). It can be so hard to find the right words when you want to be open and truthful on the one hand, but you worry that you’ll only confuse or worry your child on the other. What I liked best about the Parent’s Toolkit is that it helps you pick the right words and the best approach. Often, just changing a couple of words can make a huge difference.

In The Parent’s Toolkit, Naomi gives us very practical tips and techniques to help us be better parents, to build a better relationship with our kids and to help them be happier and more confident people. She also includes her advice on building self esteem, sibling rivalry, friendship and helping your child develop important life skills such as decision making, dealing with boredom and timekeeping.

I’m looking forward to dipping into it whenever I encounter a parenting challenge!

Click the link to buy The Parent’s Toolkit: Simple & Effective Ways to Help Your Child Be Their Best


Book Review: Work From Home by Judy Heminsley

A couple of weeks ago I posted my first ever audio blog and today I tried another experiment – an audio book review!

This time I decided to try out Audioboo’s Android app, which made me a bit nervous because I couldn’t do any editing before I uploaded the file!

Work From Home – book review (mp3)

I tried to cram everything I wanted to say into 3 minutes, but it didn’t quite fit 🙂 so here’s what else I meant to say:

And the lessons I learned from this recording? Three minutes isn’t as long as you think it is!

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Working Mothers: The Essential Guide – book review

My little girl was less than a day old when I first thought to myself “OK, how the hell am I going to manage to care for this baby AND work?”

True, I had other baby-related challenges heading my way that I had no idea about at that time, but my sleep-deprived and drug-fuddled brain was already thinking about being a working mum.

Before that, I’d assumed I’d head back to work after six months maternity leave, with baby in a nursery and everything else pretty much back to normal. (And yes, I can hear you falling off your chair with laughter!)

The full reality of balancing work and baby didn’t hit me until about three months later, when I had to seriously start looking at my options. At that point, the book ‘Working Mothers: The Essential Guide’ by Denise Tyler would have been perfect for me.

There’s a surprisingly wide range of info you need to weigh up when looking at your working options, including your right to ask for flexible working, managing your time, benefits and tax breaks, finding good-quality childcare, handling guilt and whether you’d be better off being your own boss. ‘Working Mothers – Your Essential Guide’ covers all of these subjects in just enough depth that you get a good understanding of each, but not so much that you risk getting overwhelmed.

And let’s face it, this subject can be overwhelming both in terms of all the financial information you need to wade through and all the emotions you feel about leaving your kids while you work.

This book isn’t just for new mums, though. It would be useful if you were returning to work after a career break, changing your job or just feeling frazzled by life as a working mum. It looks at balancing work with a family of any age, too. In fact I picked up some tips about delegating chores to kids that I’ll be trying out when my children are a bit older!

The 2012 edition of ‘Working Mothers – The Essential Guide’ is available from Need-2-Know books



Review: The Lemon Club

Many of us would love to work with a coach, but with a good coach costing a few hundred pounds a month and beyond, we find it’s out of our price range.

Having trained as a coach myself, I know that the people who could benefit the most from coaching are often the ones who can’t afford it. And that has never seemed seem fair to me, especially for mums who are working part-time. So when I heard about an affordable personal development programme called The Lemon Club, I wanted to know more.

What is The Lemon Club?

It’s an online personal development programme, that you can study at your own pace. Members get a new modules every month on a different topic, such as sales, presenting, networking and first impressions.  The course is delivered using videos, downloadable documents (PDFs), quizzes, MP3 audios (e.g. guided relaxations) and there is 1-to-1  feedback from an expert in one of the modules too. There’s also a resource library and member discounts on other personal development courses, coaching and assessments. Continue reading “Review: The Lemon Club”

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