Just about to return to work, after several months off with your new bundle of adorable joy? This somewhat melancholy time of spending less of the day with baby, but more doing the job you’ve always enjoyed, can be a tricky time for every mother. So, we put together a few quick tips on how to make this process as stress-free as possible.
Go easy on yourself initially
Fictionalised, cinematic versions of women who return to maternity leave (not that these are ever able to capture the real journey of the main protagonist) usually depict a point in time where the woman has thrown herself wholeheartedly back into her work – and begins to struggle.
This, at least, the filmmakers perhaps do get right. So, ease yourself back into your work, don’t go full throttle from the moment you return to the salon, and allow your natural circadian rhythms to return to their routine while you become accustomed again to yours.
Make sure your paperwork is up to date
In the months you’ve been away, there’s a chance that your insurance could have run out or your accounting and administration have fallen behind (after all, you’ve been pretty busy focusing on other things). Check that your insurance, such as beauty therapist insurance, is still up to date and ready to cover you from the moment you’re back at work.
Also, spend a little time on any regular administration or accounting you would normally have been doing as routine – if anything, this will help to get you back to doing everything normally again.
Have a catch-up and handover
Meet up with your colleagues, catch up with your boss (unless you’re your own boss!) and learn what’s new in your work. Have any regular clients started to go elsewhere? Are there certain individuals who have been waiting for you to return to work so that they can enjoy your skills again?
Don’t leave it until your first day back and simply expect everything to be just as you left it. Although nothing may have changed, if something has, at least you’ll be prepared.
Trust in your skills at all times
It may take you a few sessions, treatments, days or weeks to feel like your old self in work again. Don’t worry if some of the routine practices you’ve been doing for years suddenly seem a little alien – you’ll soon be back in the swing of things and performing to the best of your abilities.
It’s these abilities and skills that you should wholeheartedly trust in at all times. They’ve got you where you are today, and they’ll serve you just as effectively again in no time.
Don’t be afraid to say no
Finally, just because you’ve been away for a while, it doesn’t mean you have to take everything on that you’re offered. Yes, this is a little bit like our first point – but that’s why it’s so crucial.
According to Happy You, Happy Family, saying no is essential to helping you in both your work and home life. If you don’t say no from time to time, you could have too much going on at work to handle, and this could impact how you are in all of your spare time.
Image: Pixabay