To run your business, you always need the right tools at your fingertips. Now, what those specific tools might be are definitely subjective. Because every business will need different things. However, the one thing that all businesses will have in common is that they will need to find the right tools. Some will be mindset or personal skills that you as a business owner will need to work on or adopt, and some will be physical tools. Either way, you often need to know the best way to find them – or, in fact, what you actually need in the first place. So, you’ll want to know what resources are going to help you to find them. So let’s take a look at five different avenues you can use to locate the tools and resources you need for your business.
1. Head To Social Media
First of all, you’re going to want to head to your favourite social media sites. Because pretty much everything is promoted or sold on social media these days. A lot of the time, you’re going to find that you can find a lot out about a company, product, or service by following them on platforms such as Instagram. From your website design to finding an employee, seeking out services on Instagram can really help you.
2. Think About Personal Connections
But don’t just keep this strictly business. Although they say you shouldn’t mix business with pleasure, you should definitely look to your personal connections for recommendations. Maybe your Dad has a business and he knows a company that could help you? Maybe your best friend follows a company that provides the exact service you’re looking for. Sometimes the people closest to you will know exactly what you need.
3. Find Suppliers Online
Then, you’ve got the classic of using online searches to find the companies you need. Whether you need parts and supplies at or you need to find a service or piece of software, looking online is going to help you. You can often find good reviews from customers and third party sites to help you make your choice too.
4. Go To Flea Markets
You won’t always need to go new either. A lot of the time, you’ll find that used items are going to be exactly what you need – and you can save money. So head out to your favourite free market, but switch your personal needs for your business mindset. Also head to sites like eBay so that you can hunt down bargains for a fraction of the price than if you were to purchase brand new.
5. Network Offline
And finally, you’re also going to want to focus on networking online too. This is often going to be a combination of the first three points. Because you can head to social media to meet business connections who can then either recommend products to you, or you’ll find their products are perfect for what you need. You’ll want to find tips at on how to do this effectively if you’re new. Because networking is a great way to move your business forward, if you know how to get the most out of it.
Image: Kaboompics