Directing Traffic to Your Newly Launched Website

Image: Pexels

As a new business owner, you may feel a little lost when it comes to directing traffic to your website. This is bound to be frustrating! After all, you’ve already put so much hard work into creating the site itself and getting your small business up and running! When you’ve spent hours on end crafting product concepts, overseeing production, bringing in freelancers to set up your website and design your logo and brand aesthetic, it can be heartbreaking if your daily visitors is limited to one or two individuals. After all, in order to make sales, you need to bring people to your webpage to start with. So, how do you go about boosting your traffic and hopefully increasing the number of people browsing your wares, making purchases, and turning over profit? Here are a few steps to get you started in the right direction.


The more accessible your site is, the more people will be able to make use of it. An astounding number of businesses do not have their website design optimised for smartphone or tablet use. This means that potential buyers will not be directed to your page if they’re using anything other than a laptop or desktop device. Think of the lost potential for traffic and sales! To avoid this, collaborate with a specialist web designer who will be able to ensure that your site works on as many devices as possible, as well as making it look good on these devices too!


SEO is short for “search engine optimisation” and is a commonly used business practice with the end goal of directing as much traffic to your page via search engines as possible. So, why the focus on search engines here? Well, think about how consumers make their way to browse products online. More often than not, they won’t know exactly what they want. Instead, they will input broader search terms into a search engine and opt for one of the top results. No matter what you sell – clothes, tech products, books, beauty items – this is the most likely way that people will make their way to your site. Now think of how important appearing in those first few results is. When people use search engines, it’s extremely unlikely that they will click beyond the first few results, never mind trailing through the second, third, fourth, or any other number of pages. The higher your result, the more clicks your link will get, and the more people will be directed to your site. So, how do you get your link placed as high as possible? Well, there are several ways to go about this. The easiest and most efficient way is to outsource your SEO. This way, the task is put in the hands of professional who specialise in this process. They will be able to get you the most positive results possible first time around rather than spending days or even weeks on trial and error methods.

Remember that there is always a way to direct more traffic to your site, no matter how well you may feel that you are doing. So constantly improve things! It’ll pay off in the long run.

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