3 Things Every Mother Should Know Before They Go Back To College

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Becoming a mom changes your outlook when pursuing a higher education. Your schedule will be altered, your priorities upended, and your sleep patterns will be disrupted. These lifestyle changes may deter you from going back to college. How do you balance school, domestic responsibilities or another job as well? Here are three things that every mother should know before they go back to college.

You are not Superwoman

In order not to get easily discouraged, it is important for every mother to know their limitations. When going back to school, set short-term and long-term goals.

While the long-term goal may be completing your course in a period of one and a half years, for the short term, you may choose to reward yourself for little victories. It is normal for anyone to feel stressed and overwhelmed, but remember you are not superwoman.

Do not beat yourself up when you do not accomplish your goals. In order to make up for a bad mark, you may need to extend a course or even study over-time. This is part of the process, so learn step over these hurdles and give yourself a break when you need one.

Set Realistic Schedules

When one of your most important priorities includes doing homework, time management is crucial. Be realistic of how much time you can spend in school and how much can go into catering to your family. Find out what is going to impact you at home and take advantage of any support that you may have.

Part of being realistic includes picking your class schedules and preparing for study hours in the wee hours of the morning. If you are a single mother, find high-quality, dependable childcare. Some colleges recognize the value of offering support services for mothers who want to earn their degrees.

Online vs Traditional Classrooms- Find out What Works Best

Attending a physical college may be hectic, especially if you want to spend as much time as you can with your children. You will need to beat traffic every day in order to make it to your lectures on time.

Mothers who cannot handle the everyday hassles of a traditional classroom should consider getting an online degree. Not only do such degrees account for lower college costs, but they also offer the most flexible studying schedule.

For instance, if engineering is your course of choice, an online masters engineering degree from the University of California Riverside is one that will make you stand out from the crowd. The university’s online degrees are a calibrated blend of targeted engineering skills and management strategies. This ensures that you are well prepared for your career. Online masters in engineering degree courses can be completed in as little as 13 months.

If you have been thinking about going back to college then it is time to begin your journey to higher education. Mothers who are fully employed should, however, be prepared to balance work with schooling. But if you think you have what it takes to make, go out and make it happen. It’s never too late to better yourself!

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