When you run your own business, there are a lot of balls to juggle and a lot of people to please. You constantly have to look at how to keep staff happy whilst balancing the books and keeping the orders coming in. The thought of being able to save money doesn’t really occur, as it can be a struggle to see where you could be more efficient. In today’s article, I’m sharing three ways that you can do just that. Read on if you want to know more about maximizing on marketing, and making the most of the best software on the market.
- Be clever with marketing
The type of marketing and advertising you do depend on the kind of business you own. If you’ve just started out with a shop on Etsy, chances are you won’t even be thinking about marketing. If you’re selling a local service, perhaps you put together some flyers for the area. These days though, you have some incredible advertising resources at your disposal, and they’re completely free!
Becoming active online in popular social media circles will do two things for you. First of all, it will serve as a means of providing free exposure for your brand, as you can create a Facebook page, Twitter account or Instagram feed with zero cost, but with tons of potential for engagement. Secondly, it will serve as a customer service tool. If someone has a complaint or query, it will come straight to you and you can handle it within minutes. This gives a huge boost to your reputation, but of course, it’s completely free!
- Streamline your processes
A lot of companies don’t see the value in investing in the right software, thinking it too expensive for their current situation and only focusing on the short-term. However, sometimes it’s only by investing that you can get the most out of those departments and maximize on their efficiency, saving money in the long-term.
A great example of this kind of forward-thinking strategy is the HR software by Cascade. They focus on ridding a business of the complexity relating to things like payroll, training, expenses, timesheets and so on. Whether you have a small team and you’re planning for the future, or you have a large team that needs overhauling, this kind of software is worth considering.
- Don’t be scared of recycling
In recent years, there’s been a decline in the number of companies that want to buy office furniture as new. This is part of a trend amongst eco-savvy business owners who want to do their bit for the environment, whilst saving a few pounds for themselves.
The idea is that, by taking a mix-and-match approach to buying furniture, it means that when one chair breaks you don’t have to replace everything at once, because it’s a sign that all of your furniture is wearing out. You only need to replace one item at a time, and it will save thousands each year.
Do you know any other money saving tips for businesses?