Having the kids around all day is something that can drive some parents mad! School-age kids, in particular, can quickly become bored and demand your time. School holidays can be tough for parents who ordinarily rely on preschool or childminders to take care of the kids in the day. So just what can you do when school is out? Fortunately, I’ve got a quick roundup of ideas to keep you all entertained. They’re also a great way to spend quality time with the kids. Enjoy:
Big Day Out
Taking the kids somewhere like the beach or a theme park will let them burn off all that energy they are blessed with. Fun days out for kids are plentiful this Easter and all summer long in the UK. Pick something with lots of different activities to keep them going for the whole day. You might even be able to get them to fall asleep in the car on the way home to give you some much-needed peace and quiet too!
Baking is one of my favourite pastimes. If your kids are old enough to stir a spoon in a bowl then now is the time to let them get involved too. Sure, your preparation time will quadruple, but these are valuable life skills for your tiny people. You can have fun measuring ingredients out on the scales. Stirring the mix is always a favourite activity for little ones. And then, of course, is the taste testing! You can work together to create sweet and savoury dishes. It’s a great way to introduce more vegetables in a fun and friendly way too.
Balls skills are very important for kids of all ages. If your little one is only just sitting, they may have fun learning to throw a soft ball. Toddlers can enjoy trying to kick a ball, and preschoolers often like to see how far they can throw it. As kids get older, they start to enjoy sports. Rugby balls, tennis balls and footballs can all be used to keep your children happy and active. Why not take a few over to the park with a picnic one afternoon? You can all enjoy a game of ball together.
As it’s Easter time, why not make Bunnies and eggs your theme for the week. You can enjoy creating masks and ears with the children. Sticking craft fur and glitter to them can be great fun for tiny tots. Older children can try colouring them in. And if your children are school age, why not have a go at making a soft toy bunny? You can decorate hard boiled eggs together too. Then, of course, is the Easter egg hunt! Buy or make a card basket for your kids to collect their eggs. They don’t have to be chocolate eggs.
Time spent with the kids doesn’t have to be exhausting. Finding things you can all do together offers you the chance to have quality time with your children you might not get at other times. Best of all, you can help your kids learn new things and discover new skills and talents. Enjoy.