Can you change your mindset? Yes you can!


smart-725843_640Sometimes, the main obstacle between where we are and success is our mindset. Yet many of us think it’s impossible to change the way we feel. You may even think that by changing your mind you’re being weak or indecisive.

From childhood, there are many stories we tell ourselves as we absorb everything around us. For example, we might believe that our siblings are older, wiser, and smarter, and that we simply cannot match up with their intelligence. Or there may be a mindset of ‘thinking small’ because we think that people like us don’t achieve big things.

We all want our children to succeed, but with the best will in the world we can pass on our limiting beliefs about the world and out place in it. By working on our growth mindset, we can move beyond some of the beliefs and habits we have accumulated in our lives so far and prevent our less positive habits from being passed on to our kids.

Shift those labels!

Sometimes we are given labels and, all too often, we have no clue that we do not have to accept or even identify with those labels. We may be taught that James is the math genius while Sarah is the musician in the family – a limiting mindset that is more or less fixed. Did you know that you could change those labels by working harder to be whatever it is you wish to be in the world of academics? How is this possible?

  • Start with recognizing that you are capable and have the ability to change your mindset. This is the first step in changing your mind.
  • Recognise that you can change your label at any time. All you have to do is choose to do so.
  • Next, it’s time to get to work. No change comes without work involved!

Things to try

If you are a parent, there are certain steps you can take in order to develop a growth mindset in your child. Start by giving your child a way and a means to reach higher goals rather than labeling them as ‘not good in maths’, or ‘better at art’.

  • Don’t set the bar too high, as unrealistic expectations can make the child want to give up before they’ve even begun
  • Don’t set the bar too low or there is no sense of challenge or achievement

If you are a teacher, manager or coach try not to compare one student or client to another, instead encourage them to improve on their own past performance.  And always treat each member of the team as an individual.

We all have a choice to either stick with the mindset we have or to build one which will lead us towards greater success.  And how we do that can have a huge impact on everyone around us, whether they are clients, students, our employees or children.

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