First Business Trip? How To Conquer Homesickness

business trave smalllNo matter how many times you have to say goodbye to your loved ones, it never gets any easier. When you are in an unfamiliar environment, and especially if you are travelling on your own, loneliness can sink in quickly and put you out of spirits – which is neither good for your state of mind nor your business acumen.

If you are only going away for a couple of days, you are likely to be busy preparing for and giving presentations as well as meeting clients. While this can be stressful, it also means you will probably be too busy to realise you’re missing people at home. However, if you are travelling for longer, homesickness can be a problem.

Whether you are going on your first ever business trip or your fiftieth; whether you are leaving your partner for a few days or an entire brood of little ones for a week, here are a few tips on keeping homesickness at bay while travelling for business.

Time’s a healer

The first thing to understand is that the opening few days are going to be tough, especially if this is your first business trip far away from home. However, you’ll find as time passes that you get accustomed to your new surroundings and begin to make the most of them.

Pack some home comforts

There’s nothing like having a slice of home with you in your hotel room. Having familiar items in a strange environment can really help you settle in and feel more at ease, so pack a few things like photos and even some of your favourite foods from home.

Stay busy

If you’re away for a while, chances are you will get some free time where you won’t be expected to work. If you get this opportunity, be a tourist! A good way to explore the city is to join a walking tour – this way you will meet other people which can help to fend off loneliness.

Evening plans

When dusk falls and attractions start to close down for the day, loneliness can surface – so keep it at bay by finding something to do. If any colleagues are staying in the same hotel, ask whether they are free for dinner or drinks and enjoy an evening of socialising, taking your mind off home.

Keep in touch

Thanks to modern technology, there are now all sorts of ways to stay in touch with family and friends no matter which country you are in for business travel. Whether you opt for Skype, phone calls or Whatsapp, you can keep in touch with your family as much as you like, often for free if you’re connected to the hotel Wi-Fi. You could also write letters to loved ones in the evening or spend time searching for presents to bring back, helping you feel more connected to home.

Enjoy your time away

You may be feeling homesick, but stop to remember how lucky you are that your job involves travelling. Not everyone is as fortunate as you – just think of all your friends who are stuck behind a desk all day, every day without the prospect of escaping the daily grind and you’ll soon realise you should be making the most of this opportunity!

This guest article is courtesy of Clare Collins who works for travel management agency

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