Are you fitting your business around your kids this Easter? Most business mums I know are scaling back their work for the next couple of weeks and spending the holidays with their children. No doubt there will be a few nights working late for some of us!
So I thought it might be a nice idea to list a few simple and inexpensive things you can do with your kids over the Easter break.
Outdoor fun
The weather can go either way at this time of year, but if we’re lucky we may be able to get outside. (*Crosses fingers* Please let us be able to get outside!)
- Easter egg hunt – Grab a bag of mini eggs, hide them around the garden and send the kids off to find them.
- Picnic – Wrap up warm and take a picnic to the park. Don’t forget a thermos of coffee for the adults! (Or even better, get some of these thermal mugs)
- Two other ways to keep warm are to bounce around on a giant retro space hopper
or chase bubbles!
- Bug safari – the ladybirds are out and about already, so why not take a closer look at them with this Creature Peeper
Indoor activities
- Printables – Take a look at some of the fab and easy activities at Mr Printables. Kim at Boutique by Design has a cute label that will turn any bag of chocolate raisins into Bunny Poop or if you prefer you can turn your marshmallows into Bunny Tails.
- Crafts – bunnies from cotton wool , Easter bonnets, spring flowers from tissue paper, Easter cards for gran and grandad. It’s a great time of year for arts and crafts.
- Hide and squeak – Babies and young toddlers love these Tomy Hide ‘n’ Squeak Eggs
– and they are much healthier than chocolate eggs, too!
- Twister – For older kids, go retro and play Twister
. I haven’t played it since I was a student (yep, that was the version with alcohol!), so I’m really looking forward to being able to play the original version when my kids are just a bit bigger.
- Board games – my toddlers love a board game, especially Shopping List.
- Going to a birthday party this Easter? – here’s a nice selection of children’s gifts.
Local activities
Don’t forget to check your local theatres, sports centres, swimming pools and libraries for special events over the holidays.
Other things you might need at this time of year
Lighter mornings mean a blackout blind and a Gro Clock could make a real difference to how long your little one sleeps in the mornings. Which means you get more sleep too!
What will you be doing over the holidays? Drop me a comment and let me know!
Image: Simon Howden /
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