Whoa, it’s that time again! If you’ve got a business blog, why not join in the December Business Mums Blog Carnival and get yourself more readers and comments?
(If it doesn’t seem long since November’s carnival, you’re right. The carnivals late in the year are squeezed closer together so we avoid the Christmas period.)
You don’t even need to write a post for the carnival, just pick your favourite from the posts already up on your blog and send the link to the carnival host.
This month your host is Ally from www.cambridge.mumsbusinessclub.com
To enter, email the link to your post to cambridge (at) mumsbusinessclub.com by 5th December.
The carnival will be posted on www.cambridge.mumsbusinessclub.com on 7th December.
If you’re not sure how it all works or what kind of post to enter, you’ll find everything you need to know on the Business Mum’s Blog Carnival page. And you can get your own blog carnival badge there too!
Want to know more about blogging to promote your business? Grab yourself a copy of my book Business Blogging for Beginners (only £2.29!)