There was a point in my life all I wanted to do was to climb the ‘corporate ladder’ – and to be honest , I actually managed to get quite far up… I remember that somebody once said to me ‘the higher you climb, the further you fall’…. Well the time came after having my first child to fall… well, more of a sort of ‘jump splash push’, if you get my drift.. but that’s a whole other story!
So after my ‘ladder jump’ I brushed myself off and started again. A couple of part time jobs later, a few missed key moments in my daughters childhood, and many a stressful time juggling work with either a poorly child or home commitments and I decided to start building ‘my own ladder’.
I now run Colourwheel Creative. My very own graphic design business which I run from home, allowing me to take my daughter to school, have lazy wake ups in the holidays with her, watch her at sports day and in school productions and all at the same time doing the job I love. The thing I love most about design is that I get to meet so many people and work on so many different types of projects and businesses. In one week I can work on anything from deli menu’s to maternity boutiques, logistic companies to training agencies; I never know what’s going to arrive next in my inbox. And even better (sad as this might sound) but I love seeing things I have designed in print… whether it’s a business card, flyer or advert, I get a huge buzz from it!
If you have a desire to try and balance your work life and your mummy life, I would certainly recommend taking that jump and giving it a go. I still have a million and one things whizzing around my head, and I still seem to live my life like a headless chicken, but a year on and I am really enjoying what I do.
I’m now collecting the wood and making my own ladder to climb… I’m enjoying reaching every rung and never knew joinery could be so much fun!