In January, Save the Children launched its most ambitious campaign to date, No Child Born to Die. Every year 8 million children under five die from illnesses we know how to treat or prevent, such as diarrhoea and pneumonia.
It’s heart-breaking that children are dying because their parents and communities can’t afford the healthcare that we take for granted here in the UK.
Save The Children is focusing on providing vaccinations and healthcare workers. In June there is a meeting in London hosted by David Cameron and attended by other world leaders. Save The Children aims to make as much noise as possible to ensure the funding shortfall for vaccinations (4.7 billion) is met by all the donor countries. You can help with this by signing the Save the Children petition and then passing it onto your friends by May 29th.
This is what you can do:
- Sign the Save the Children petition and then pass it onto your friends
and if you are a blogger
- Get your child to either draw or craft a self portrait of themselves now or in the future
- Write a blog post about it as soon as possible, including info about Save the Children and the petition. We want as many people linked up AND signed up the petition by Sunday 29th May 2011
- Tag 8 fellow blogger friends and link back to Maggie from RedTed Art
- And don’t forget to follow all the action in Mozambique on Twitter using the hastag #PassItOn.
I was tagged by Becky at Baby Budgeting and I’m tagging these bloggers:
Nicki at Curly and Candid
Sam and Helen at Mums The Blog
Antonia at Family Friendly Working
Catherine at Baby Genie
My children aren’t keen on drawing self-portraits (maybe they’re still a little too young?) But when it comes to creativity, the thing we enjoy doing together the most is baking fairy cakes. Here’s one of the batch we made this morning:
The colour scheme was chosen by my three-year old little girl – can you tell? 🙂
It’s easy to take our fairy cakes for granted when so many mums around the world don’t have a kitchen or the ingredients to make treats like this. What I value the most is that we’re all together as a family.
So easy to forget when you’re dealing with tantrums and toddler-induced chaos, but so true.
Please sign the petition and help keep more families together…Save the Children petition
Oooh I love your fairy cakes they look delicious and of course are very creative! Think it is fab, that you completed the meme in this way… These are your children. 🙂
And thank you for supporting this very important cause!
Maggy x
I apologise for being totally rubbish and not graciously accepting this tag, especially as it’s for charity, tsk! I promise to get onto it….you only tagged me in May!!