Fancy winning a ticket to the first ever Mumpreneur Idol event?
It’s happening on Saturday 9th April 2011 at The Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London, WC1B 5BB.
The aim of Mumpreneur Idol is to inspire more mums to start home based businesses and provide support, information and full resources for mums to be able to create their own flexible working environment.
Four finalists will battle it out to become the next big Mumpreneur. Each one will prepare a 20 minute pitch to a panel of five judges who will then select the winner to be announced at the end of the day. The lucky winner will get the ultimate business start up prize which will include a collection of must have items and services that will guarantee a quality start to any business.
For people attending the event, it’ll be an opportunity to talk to some top UK entrepreneurs, network with a whole range of like-minded people, listen to the finalists’ pitches, be involved in the judges’ Q&A time, listen to the keynote speaker and take away some practical tips and advice from the afternoon workshop.
And I’ve got a ticket worth £45 to give away!
To enter the give-away, leave me a comment below and tell me why you’d like to go to Mumpreneur Idol by 8pm on Friday 11th March.
(I’ll pick a winner at random and will be in touch by email).
Good luck!
I would love to go to Mumpreneur Idol because it sounds like a brilliant networking opportunity! I run my website from home, and the most difficult aspect (besides being surrounded by laundry) is missing out on “water cooler moments” where I can talk through ideas with like-minded people.
Thank you! Is there anyone else who’d like to go? Please do leave me a comment…
I would like to go to Mumpreneur Idol because it will be a chance to show support for fellow mums in business and share in the inspiration of well established business women, together with the enthusiasm of new start ups! It sounds like a unique event and I would love the opportunity to be part of it.
I would love to attend Mumpeneur to receive some inspiration and empowerment from other professional and successful entrepreneurs. Once upon a time I was the one to be empowering and encouraging others to follow there dreams however since having my son I have seemed to have lost this which I need back asap, but for some reason I don’t know how to or where to begin. I do feel attending this even will help me to decide what I really want to do which is not to return back to full time employment working a 9-5 and missing out on seeing my son grow x
I’d like to go to Mumpreneur Idol because I love a good day out with fabulous mums in business – I learn loads and return to my desk inspired!
I would love to go to Mumpreneur Idol for the networking and for what i will be able to get out of it. I’m currently on the BaM! course trying to set up my own business so feel this day would be invaluable for me.