I Started A Business With a Baby: Aimee Rogers of Revitalize Fitness

There aren’t all that many mums featured on Business Plus Baby who started their business when their child was still a baby. Most mums find their baby is a toddler before they get to launch their businesses (for very good reasons!) . Today we hear from Aimee Rogers of Revitalize Fitness who (unlike me!) was organised enough to plan her business while she was pregnant. We wish you loads of success in your new business and as a new mum, Aimee.

Tell us a little about your business

My business is personal training and physical activity provider/consultant.

What was your job before starting your business?

Physical Activity Referral Coordinator for Sheffield City Council (managing an exercise referral scheme to help people who have medical conditions to get more active in an attempt to improve their condition).

How did you go from your old career to your new business?

I am currently on maternity leave and will be made redundant from the council in March as a result of cost cutting.

What were your reasons for starting a business?

I have always wanted to be my own boss and start my own business, being made redundant/finances helped with my decision but also I’m able to manage my own hours to fit in around baby to reduce the cost of childcare in the future.

Did you use any childcare?

My baby is only 8 weeks old but i used the last half of my pregnancy to set up and “develop” the business, getting ideas down, registering etc.  Now I work when baby sleeps or when he is having daddy time!

How did you get your business idea?

I have always worked in the fitness industry since leaving university and feel that my business is more of a hobby.  I have spent a lot of time and money getting trained and qualified to the high level I am currently at and I didn’t want that to go to waste once i was made redundant. I also wanted to maintain something for me once the baby was here so i didn’t just end up being “mum” (as much as i love it!!!).

What were your challenges and how did you overcome them?

As yet I have haven’t really encountered many challenges.  I imagine meetings/networking during the day will be problematic.  I have two close friends who are also helping me out with delivering sessions and training clients which has been a great help.  Once baby gets older I hope to have more input on the practical side but this will only help to expand the business and develop it further.

What training, information or advice did you need to get started?

I did a lot of research during my pregnancy (chilling out with a coffee and laptop!) and found websites such as business link yorkshire and the government websites a great help.

If you could give one  piece of advice to a mum of a baby or toddler starting a business, what would it be?

Don’t feel guilty or let anyone make you feel guilty for starting a business and spending time developing it.  I have developed my business to allow me to work from home and spend more time with my baby, however I still get the feeling that some people think less of me for developing my business while my baby is so young.

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