How Do You Get Work Done If You’ve Got Kids At Home?

Answer – Get a childminder!

But what if you can't afford one or don't want to use childcare? Is it really possible to run a business with babies or toddlers in the house?

I thought I was pretty good at managing my time before I had my daughter. It's  far harder now with tiny children demanding my attention. All the time. (Stressed? Who me?). The normal time management rules just don't apply any more.

So I was delighted to find not just one, but four articles on working around small children this week. All written by mums who have been there, done it and got the (carrot puree splattered) t-shirt.

The first three are from Natalie Lue at Self Employed Mum:

And the fourth is from Lexi Rodrigo of Freelance Folder:

These articles are packed with useful advice, but the most important message for me is to "have realistic expectations". How about you?

5 Replies to “How Do You Get Work Done If You’ve Got Kids At Home?”

  1. You are right it is so hard it is almost impossible!

    Good job I found someone really talented who can help me out with my workload 😉


  2. Sam, you’ve been given my confidence such a boost this week, thank you!

    Fee, Cbeebies is a lifesaver, without it we wouldn’t have eaten for the last six months because it’s the only way I can keep my toddler occupied while I get meals together!

  3. Hello, great blog and great piece! My solution was to move work out of home as soon as I could, it makes my head hurt far too much to think about trying to work with my children around, when my daughters were tiny, I managed a little but I thought it was unrealistic to carry on like that and sorted part-time childcare, I wrote a piece a little while back for Freelance Advisor, it’s here if you would like to see it:

    All the best,

    1. Hi Linda, thanks for the feedback on my blog – I’m chuffed to bits to get this from someone who writes for a living! I’ve taken a look at the freelance article you mentioned and your own blog – both have been very helpful, so thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

      I’ll have another look at your blog to get some tips on working around two tiny children. Mine are so close together in age they are starting to feel a bit like twins!

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