Got a website? Here’s why you need an attention-grabbing headline

Are you a mum running an online business?

Having an online business means, of course, having a website.  And having a website means you need content to put on it. That could be a blog post, sales pages, articles and even content for email newsletters. Each of those need an attention-grabbing headline if they are going to be read.

On the internet you have just seconds to engage your reader – that’s why headlines are so important.

So here are some tips on writing a great headline:

  • Tap into their emotions

We may like to think all our buying decisions are based on facts and logic, but it usually comes down to emotions. We buy something because we love it, it’ll solve a problem that’s keeping us awake at night or it makes us look or feel good.

Emotions you can tap into are a desire to feel clever, powerful,  attractive, sexy, assertive, confident, energetic, pampered, a sense of belonging, in control of their own destiny, wealthy, proud, respected or safe.

  • Use active words

Try to use language that shows movement and commands attention.

“Stop your sugar cravings today with this simple step,” is a strong statement but it doesn’t command action nor does it really tap into any emotions.

“Conquer your sugar cravings with this simple step.”  is better because conquer is an active word and suggests power and strength

  • Use the word ‘you’

Instead of using ‘I’ or ‘we’ in your headlines, use ‘you’.  Always keep in mind the ‘what’s in it for me?’ factor: your readers want to know what you can do for them, rather than what you do.

Adding an extra ‘you’ or ‘your’ to a headline can make it more engaging for your readers, e.g.

“Conquer your sugar cravings with this simple step” has much more impact than…

“Conquer sugar cravings with our system”

  • Three more ideas for powerful headlines

Make a promise – Lose 4 pounds each week.
Make it newsworthy – New course guarantees you’ll lose 4 pounds each week.
Ask a question – Do you want to lose 4 pounds a week?

Of course, if you make a big promise you must deliver those results!

  • Three simple steps to write headlines that sell

So now you have some ideas about the types of headline that sell, how do you get started?

1. Get to know your audience intimately. What are their hopes, dreams, desires, and problems?  Understanding your audience will help you create an emotional and powerful headline directed specifically at them.

2. Decide how your products or services are going to make your prospects’ lives better or solve their problems.  Be specific e.g. if you sell fitness equipment and your audience struggle to feel attractive, write a headline that shows how your fitness equipment can help them feel more attractive.

3. Practice, learn and test. Keep a file of other people’s great headlines and use them as inspiration for your own writing. Write twenty headlines and pick the best one. Consider testing out a couple of different headlines to see which gets the most hits or makes the most sales.

If you enjoyed this article, you might like to grab a copy of  my e-book Running a business around a family: 9 steps to success. You can download it now if you join my mailing list.


3 Replies to “Got a website? Here’s why you need an attention-grabbing headline”

  1. Really useful advice – just in the process of developing my business website and I’m going to take all your great points on board. Thanks

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